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[7 Apr 2020 | No Comment | 99,854]
Tofu is not Cheese: Reimagine Education without Schools During Covid19 (1)

What to Teach: Reimagine Curriculum
“Tofu is not cheese” is what I said to a group of educators of ESF Quarry Bay Primary School (QBS), a school in Hong Kong that is determined to turn the Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity for reimagining education. Tofu is not cheese so we should not expect it to smell or taste like cheese nor should we need to pretend it is or make it taste and smell like cheese. The message I was trying to convey is that we should accept the fact that …

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[3 Apr 2020 | No Comment | 41,885]

There are many meaningful and productive questions to ask about online education depending on the circumstance. Given that education systems and schools around the world are at the moment in the middle of either offering or deciding to offer education online due to the COVID pandemic, I focus this post on meaningful questions in this particular context.
Why Online?
This seemingly obvious question deserves a lot more consideration than it has typically been given because the answer appears to be simple, clear, and unequivocal: we have to since schools are closed as …

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[28 Mar 2020 | No Comment | 61,168]

An extended version of this post will be published in the journal of ECNU Review of Education.
Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers. ? Voltaire
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions.? Claude Levi-Strauss
One of the most frequently and persistently asked questions about online education is “does it work” or “is it effective.” It is a legitimate question for it is only natural and reasonable for anyone faced with the decision to undertake online education to want to know …

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[19 Mar 2020 | No Comment | 19,947]
Silver Lining for Learning: Conversations about Reimagining Education in Times of Crisis

Silver Lining for Learning:
Conversations about the Future of Education
5:30-6:30pm EDT (US) Saturdays
Episode 1: March 21st
Watch at: URL to be announced.
Twitter: #silverliningforlearning
Don’t waste a crisis — M.F. Weiner
The “dark cloud” of the Coronavirus crisis continues to cause havoc worldwide and seems a generation-defining event. In education, this crisis has forced schools and universities to close, pushing often unprepared institutions to move teaching and learning online. The already stressed educational ecosystem now faces unprecedented difficulties that will fall disproportionately on students of low socioeconomic status and marginalized groups. This situation continues …