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Articles Archive for Year 2009

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[5 Dec 2009 | 3 Comments | 11,727]

The December issue of Kappan publishes an interview of me with its editor Joan Richardson. And thanks to PDK, the interview is freely available online at: http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/k_v91/docs/k0912ri1.pdf

Blogs, Globalization »

[30 Nov 2009 | 7 Comments | 57,004]

Last week, I attended the National Conference of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust in Birmingham England. This year, the conference theme is globalization. Thomas Friedman (author of The World Is Flat), Robert Compton (producer of Two Million Minutes), and myself were asked to address the topic in separate plenary sessions and breakfast sessions. Thomas Friedman appeared via video conferencing because he had to stay in DC for the Whitehouse state dinner President Obama hosted for the visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
I have been very annoyed by the notion …

Blogs, China/Chinese, Education Reforms »

[23 Nov 2009 | 3 Comments | 19,370]

China’s Peking University (or Beida) has been under fire for trying to answer the nation’s call for more innovative and creative talents. In an attempt to attract more “unusual or extraordinary students” who may not do well on standardized testing, in this case, China’s infamous Gaokao (College Entrance Exam), Beida, one of the two most sought-after universities, decided to admit a very small number of (less than 3%) students based on recommendations of high school principals. Although these recommended students would still take the College Entrance Exam and go through …

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[16 Nov 2009 | 11 Comments | 16,475]

Education Week just published a revised version of this post, you can read it on its website: http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2009/12/16/15zhao_ep.h29.html

Education Reforms, Featured, Globalization, Technology »

[14 Nov 2009 | 12 Comments | 71,716]
News and Interviews about my Book: Catching Up or Leading the Way

More about the book:

1-10-2010: Lansing State Journal Op Ed: Education “Race” is Counterproductive.
12-17-2009: Panel Discussion about Education in the US on China Radio International, Beijing: 2009-12-17 Education in the US
12-1-2009 The Daily Riff reviews the book in its “Favorite Books” section: http://www.thedailyriff.com/2009/12/high-scores-but-low-ability-the-chinese-curse.php
12-4-2009: Kappan‘s editor Joan Richardson interview with me: http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/k_v91/docs/k0912ri1.pdf
11-26-2009: Kompas, an Indonesian newspaper article cites my book. Here is the Google translation from Indonesian to English.
11-11-2009: Primary Source reviews my book: http://www.primarysource.org/catching-up-or-leading-the-way
09-11-2009: Fred Deutsch writes about the book on his blog: http://www.school-of-thought.net/?p=898
29-10-2009: Laura Berman writes in Detroit News about …

Blogs, China/Chinese, Education Reforms »

[10 Nov 2009 | 3 Comments | 14,113]

On October 28, the New York Times reported a federal study that finds that nearly a third of the states in the U.S. lowered their academic standards in recent years, a phenomenon called  “Race to the Bottom” by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. A day later, the same paper reports a story about a New York City school principal being accused of tampering with student grades in order to boost graduation rates in the school. Stories like these are not new. There have been many other reports about schools, states, …

Blogs, Education Reforms, Globalization, Technology »

[2 Nov 2009 | 4 Comments | 16,178]

There is widespread fear that US is not preparing enough talents in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) while its global competitors, such as China and India, are producing a lot more engineers and scientists. And this fear has been used to fuel investment in STEM education in the United States.  For example, a report produced by the National Academies of Sciences at the request of Congress in 2005 and published in 2007 (with a revision in 2008) says that “Last year more than 600,000 engineers graduated from institutions of …

Blogs, China/Chinese, Education Reforms »

[27 Oct 2009 | 2 Comments | 16,505]

China has been working on another round of major education reforms. A national team of government leaders, education officials, and education leaders have been working on a mid and long term strategic plan that will guide education development in China for the next decade or so for over year now. The team is led by China’s Premier Wen Jiabao. The team issued a national call for comments and suggestions in the summer and has received tens of thousands of them online and through traditional means.
I was in China last week. …

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[22 Oct 2009 | 2 Comments | 16,019]

Last week, getideas.org published a post of mine on its Thought Leader’s blog. I am reposting it here.
In my new book Catching Up or Leading the Way, I mostly focus on issues facing education in the United States noting that the current education reform efforts, with their emphasis on standards, testing, and outcome-based (read test score-based) accountability, are unlikely to make Americans “globally competitive.”
Instead, what America needs is an education system that cultivates a diversity of talents and develops “unique niche talents” that are not available at a cheaper price …

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[17 Oct 2009 | 2 Comments | 10,480]

Chris Knott, Principal of the International Baccalaureate World Elementary School in Raleigh, North Carolina shared this excellent song by Tom Chapin–it’s a funny, but really sad description of what has happened to education in the U.S..
Thanks, Chris.