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Education Reforms, Globalization, Technology »

[7 Aug 2009 | 7 Comments | 22,691]
Video: Catching Up or Leading the Way

This is a video of Yong Zhao’s keynote speech at Asia Socity’s A World Class Education conference on July 11, 2009, Washington DC. It is titled Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization after his new book.


China/Chinese, Education Reforms, Featured, Globalization, Technology »

[7 Aug 2009 | 21 Comments | 65,659]
Video: No Child Left Behind and Global Competitiveness

Ed Week Post about this video: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2009/08/michigan_scholar_questions_com.html
Will more standards, accountability, and higher test scores make American students more globally competitive? In the video, Yong Zhao retells his personal story and questions the wisdom of current US education policy. He argues that global competitiveness comes from a diversity of talents and recognition of individual passions and creativity. This is part of a film series produced by the Mobile Learning Institute’s called “A 21st Century Education”

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China/Chinese, Featured, Technology »

[6 Aug 2009 | 3 Comments | 40,638]
Game: ZON/New Chengo: MMORG for Learning Chinese

Yong Zhao has been leading the development of Zon, the world’s first MMORPG for learning Chinese language and culture. It provides an immersive environment for learning Chinese through interactions with both pre-programmed content and other players, including live tutors from China. Log in and play now.

About »

[6 Aug 2009 | Comments Off on Bio | 95,801]

Dr. Yong Zhao is a Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas. He previously served as the Presidential Chair, Associate Dean, and Director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Education, University of Oregon, where he was also a Professor in the Department of Educational Measurement, Policy, and Leadership. Prior to Oregon, Yong Zhao was University Distinguished Professor at the College of Education, Michigan State University, where he also served as the founding director of the Center for Teaching and …

Blogs, Education Reforms, Globalization »

[6 Aug 2009 | No Comment | 13,462]

It seems that the U.S. will soon have national education standards that will be adopted and implemented in most of the nation. This is a very significant political victory for the national standards proponents, who have been working on it for over two decades. The first President Bush and President Clinton tried it but failed. Now President Obama will have it without even having to convince Congress or the nation, as he is trying with health care reform. This is the part that is strange and not right—something that will …